Thursday, May 2, 2013

Josh's Birthday Celebration

Well, like I said, I'm trying to catch up with all of these important events. One slightly important event that happened on March 20th was that Josh, my dearly beloved, turned 26. Yep, twenty-six. Shocking, I know. :) I love him so. I had been thinking of what to do for him for awhile and found the Groupon for his gift. It was for him and three friends to go paint balling. Josh had never been, but had been wanting to go for awhile. I bought it and when he found out, he was thrilled. His words were, "This is the best birthday present ever!" You can tell from his enthusiasm in this first picture. This is on the way to the paint balling place. 

Now, that we arrived, they have to prepare. By this time, they were getting nervous. 

This is them trying to act tough while being nervous. I just love their different expressions! From the left is Josh Cravens, my Josh, Santiago, and Kent. They were just as excited as Josh was! :)

I kinda like this picture!

Inside the ever-so-fancy modular, which served as their office. 

Yep, they've got plenty of guns! 

Their guns all ready to go. 

This is the waiver where they had to sign their lives away to play. Gulp. 

My handsome man all decked out. :)

One of the coolest pictures ever! :)

The tricky part . . . getting all those orange slimy things into the small-ish hole. Yes, I kept dropping them. 

This was some intense business, as you can tell. 

Can't forget the rules! Some of them I would think are common knowledge, but apparently not!

I just had to try a gun out. And they were heavy. Maybe some other time. :) 

They were getting excited!

After they got ready, they were finally ready to play. Just waiting for the next group to go out. This is when Katie and I left to "do homework" at McDonald's. 

 Josh thought that his birthday was over, but he was wrong! On his actual birthday, we had a Hawaiian themed party for him at our discipleship group. I think that I pretty much surprised him until he came in. :)

Even Drake loved the party!

Me bringing the cake out. Which was quite the adventure, I might add. I added too much oil so we had to make two full cakes. Thanks to Scott and Ashley for hosting it, and helping me out in time of need. 

Josh blowing out his many, many candles. I made him wear the Hawaiian hat. :)

Meanwhile, in Kindergarten, we had some special guests come and put on a puppet show for us. My kids loved it! And sat quietly through the whole thing. Isn't this the cutest thing ever?!

 And isn't she the cutest thing ever?! :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GBS Spring Banquet

Well, it's about time that I do another post. I have been so busy with student teaching and such but now I am DONE!! These pictures are from our banquet back in March. I found my dress at a store in Idaho and had someone here at school fix it for me. I loved how unique it was! We went to an overlook of the city to take pictures beforehand. 

One of my favorite pictures!

Can't help being goofy every once in awhile. :)

Christianna and I. :)

My dear friends and I. 

We've got some muscles, yes we do!

Add another friend. I love how we ll sort of coordinate. 

The guys trying to be manly. 

At "The Woodlands," where the banquet was held. 

We are definitely in the Elm Room. However, we heard some loud music from the Oak Room all night long. 

Josh and his friend Kent. Yes, they are strange. 

 Another friend pic!

Senior prayer. This was very bittersweet as President Avery prayed over all of the graduating seniors. 

My friend, and personal hairdresser Lorna. :)

Josh made his own bow tie out of left-over scraps and he also made me a bow for my hair. It was very sweet. :) 

We had a great evening! I can't believe this is our last GBS banquet. So sad but happy at the same time. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

March Happenings

BEWARE!!! I am way behind on my posts so there will be several posts in a row. I have been super busy due to teaching all day right now. But, it is spring break so I'm trying my best to catch up. I'm enjoying break so far. There will be pictures to come. As for the spring part, it is basically non-existent. It is currently snowing outside while I'm in my warm, cozy room. March has been a very busy month. Every weekend has held something exciting. 

First things are first . . . I gotta brag on my boyfriend. I ran out of quarters over the last break, so he volunteered to do my laundry for me. This is how it came back to me, all folded nicely. Isn't he so sweet? He touched my heart. :)

For Josh and I's date, we decided to try something new. He had never been to T.G.I Friday's so we stopped in there and even tried a new appetizer. 

Here's what Josh thought of it. He actually did like it. He just loves to pretend. 

Me, freezing because we were sitting right next to a door and window. But, it was somewhat private, so that was nice. :) 

SNOW DAY!!!! Yay! We finally got one. After two snow delays, I was so happy about this one. :) Since the roads weren't that bad, we went to the mall to celebrate. Here are my good friends and I. Yes, we coordinated on purpose. :)

 Later that week, we had our annual lock-in at Sports of All Sorts. Basically, you stay up all night while watching and playing sports. This year I lasted the longest I ever have. Here's me and my buds on the way there. 

 Cheering squad! Aren't we so lively!? Don't blame us, it was 3 in the morning. 

I think pool and the late night got the best of Josh and Santiago. 

 We did pretty well as a team, if I say so myself. :) 

Styling our Nikes. :)

Now, what's going on in Kindergarten, you may ask? Well, we have started science, and I love it! And so do the kiddos! They ask almost every day, "Is today science day?" :) Recently we have been learning about the weather. The day we learned about clouds I let them make their own clouds out of shaving cream. Pay close attention to their expressions. Haha! Riley and Ryan loved it!

While these kiddos weren't so sure. Ha!

Neither were these kids! They crack me up. :)

I do have to say the science is probably my favorite subject. We get to do so many fun things, all while learning. The kids adore it and I do too! They even have their own science book, which they think is so special.