Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GBS Spring Banquet

Well, it's about time that I do another post. I have been so busy with student teaching and such but now I am DONE!! These pictures are from our banquet back in March. I found my dress at a store in Idaho and had someone here at school fix it for me. I loved how unique it was! We went to an overlook of the city to take pictures beforehand. 

One of my favorite pictures!

Can't help being goofy every once in awhile. :)

Christianna and I. :)

My dear friends and I. 

We've got some muscles, yes we do!

Add another friend. I love how we ll sort of coordinate. 

The guys trying to be manly. 

At "The Woodlands," where the banquet was held. 

We are definitely in the Elm Room. However, we heard some loud music from the Oak Room all night long. 

Josh and his friend Kent. Yes, they are strange. 

 Another friend pic!

Senior prayer. This was very bittersweet as President Avery prayed over all of the graduating seniors. 

My friend, and personal hairdresser Lorna. :)

Josh made his own bow tie out of left-over scraps and he also made me a bow for my hair. It was very sweet. :) 

We had a great evening! I can't believe this is our last GBS banquet. So sad but happy at the same time. 

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! I love how your dress turned out. And hats off to Josh @ making his bow (and yours!).
