Thursday, January 3, 2013

Who Am I?

Who am I? When I ask that question I think of the song Who Am I by Casting Crowns. Here is the first verse, "Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart."
This song is talking about who are we that God should die for us. Sometimes I feel this way. Why did God choose to send his only son to die for ME? I don't deserve that. However, He did just that. He came down and gave up everything for us. And that is part of who I am today. I am . . . 

First and foremost, a child of God. I seek to please Him no matter what. This is my friend, Montana and I, ministering to inner city people in downtown Cincinnati. I love working for the Lord! 

Next, I am a soon-to-be student teacher. This is my last semester before I graduate with my bachelor's degree in elementary education so I will be student teaching this spring. I am so excited for this and look forward to learning a lot through this experience! Here is my fellow education major friend Heidi and I. 

I am also a girlfriend to one of the most amazing men in the world (the other being my Daddy :)). We have been together for 2 years December! Boy, that's a long time. I guess you could say that I like him. ;) He is so sweet and takes care of me. I love spending time with him whether it be playing games, reading, doing homework, eating, or playing mini golf. :) This picture is his favorite of us. :)

Friends are important to me also. Although I don't have tons, I am thankful for the ones I do have and what they mean to me. The put up with me and I enjoy putting up with them. Lol. Here is a picture of some of my close friends at school and I. From left to right is Montana, Christianna, myself, and Katie. :)

Well, that about sums up who I am for the most part. I also love going to thrift stores and shopping in general, my Daddy, eating Chinese food, and kids in general. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the intro! Good job, girl! And love that song too, btw!

    Looking forward to more posts! :)
